Imam Shafaie (R.A) kay Ilmi Safar

Book Review  

Reviewer: Waseem Raja
Book Name: Imam Shafaie (R.A) kay Ilmi Safar
Author: Dr. Akhtar Hussain Azmi
Publisher: Manshoorat/ Al-Balaag, India
Pages: 262
Price: 210 INR
Language: Urdu

What is the Book About?

The book, ‘Imam Shafaie (RA) Kay Ilmi Safar’ has been written in Urdu language. As the name of the book suggests, the book is regarding the journeys of Imam (RA) for the quest of knowledge. The book not only revolves around the journey of knowledge but, it also reflects many things like: character, role of a mother, teacher-student love & passion, enthusiasm for knowledge, and the firm belief in the faith.

The book is full of character building lessons. Each page of the book reflects the character of the great personalities. The author has started the book with the conspiracy hatched against the Imam Abu Hanifa (RA), and how he was martyred. The day when Imam Abu Hanifa (RA) was martyred, the same day Imam Shafaie (RA) was born. Was it a coincidence or program from the heaven?

The Belief

Here, the mother of Imam Shafaie (RA) depicted her unique character. She had no other child and had no source of income, yet she allowed her son to pursue higher studies. 
At the age of two, Imam Shafaie (RA) lost his father and all the responsibilities came onto the shoulders of his mother. At the age of seven, Imam Shafaie (RA) memorized the Holy Quran. He showed deep interest in pursuing higher studies. With this, he went to Madina in the custody of Imam Maalik (RA). Here, the mother of Imam Shafaie (RA) depicted her unique character. She had no other child and had no source of income, yet she allowed her son to pursue higher studies.

His mother had said that: she never brought up her son for herself, even for a single day, but had devoted her son for the sake of Allah.

The Struggle:

The book has explained that for knowledge even primary tools of knowledge are not necessary, because when Imam Shafaie (RA) was in the class of Imam Maalik (RA), he was neither having a notebook, nor a pen. He used a piece of straw and moistened it with the saliva, and then he used to write on his hand.
The book has explained that for knowledge even primary tools of knowledge are not necessary, because when Imam Shafaie (RA) was in the class of Imam Maalik (RA), he was neither having a notebook, nor a pen. He used a piece of straw and moistened it with the saliva, and then he used to write on his hand. During writing he used to memorizing the whole Hadith. So, the incident indicates that, the primary tools of Knowledge is not a pen or a note book, but it is the passion and the devotion for the knowledge.

The True Relation:

The book reflects and highlights the relation between a teacher and a student. How Imam Maalik (RA) and Imam Muhammad (RA) treated Imam Shafaie (RA), I think history may not have any other example like it. The Book also sheds light on the character and the patience exhibited by Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal (RA), which is praise worthy addition to the book.

I would suggest each and everyone to read this book, particularly those, who may have lost their interest in the pursuit of knowledge. The book helps in building the character.  A must read.

About The Reviewer:
Waseem Raja is a Political Scientist, a voracious reader with inclinations towards International Politics.


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